How is a ureteral stent removed?

Diagram of a ureteral stent in position.We previously went over how to place a ureteral stent. In today’s post, we go over the steps of removing a stent. Ureteral stents are removed using two basic methods:

1) By pulling on a stent string, if the string was left in place.

2) Placing a camera into the bladder (cystoscopy) to directly see and grab the stent with a small grasping device.

Removing a stent with a string left in place:

In some cases, your urologist will leave a string attached to one end of a ureteral stent. The stent string is a long piece of thread that will start from the stent and drape out the urethra, where it is visible at the urethral meatus (where urine comes out). A diagram and photos of a stent with a string attached are shown below.

To remove the stent, the visible string is firmly held and steady continuous pulling is applied until the entire stent comes out. The curls at the end of ureteral stent are flexible, so the stent should uncurl and come out easily.

What’s the advantage of leaving a string?

  1. The stent can be removed without performing cystoscopy.
  2. Patients can remove their own stent without waiting for an appointment or having to come to the office.
  3. Stents can’t be “forgotten” when a string is attached. When no string is left attached, a patient may forget or not realize that a stent was left in place. Over time, these forgotten stents can form large stones on them, making removal very difficult.

What’s the disadvantage of a string?

  1. The string can get snagged on clothing or be pulled on accidentally, resulting in a ureteral stent being removed earlier than it was supposed to. This seems to more commonly occur with female patients.
  2. The string can be a minor annoyance.
  3. Some patients prefer not to have to remove their stents themselves at home using the string. They however can usually come to the office where the staff can perform this for them.

Removing a stent by performing cystoscopy (with video below):

When no string or only a portion of the string is left attached, your urologist will need to use a camera to enter your bladder through your urethra. He or she can then see the stent and use an instrument to securely grasp it and remove it. The process is usually quick and occurs in the clinic. It takes only a minute or so in most cases.

Steps in removing a ureteral stent with cystoscopy

  1. Use a cystoscope to enter the bladder. (A cystoscope is a camera that can be placed into the bladder).
  2. Identify the stent.
  3. Use a grasper to securely grab the stent.
  4. Remove the cystoscope, grasper, and the secured stent as one unit.

The video at the bottom of the page demonstrates all these steps.

How uncomfortable is stent removal using a cystoscope?

For the majority of patients, stent removal is not as uncomfortable as they expected. We often have patients react in surprise when they learn that the stent has been already been removed and the procedure is done.

Unfortunately, some patients do experience discomfort with stent removal, more commonly in men because of their longer urethra. This can be due to discomfort from the cystoscope itself or from the sensation of the stent being removed. While most patients do not feel the stent actually sliding when removed from the kidney, some do experience an uncomfortable sensation with this.

Is there anything that can be done to make it more comfortable?

  • Lidocaine jelly placed into the urethra at the beginning of the procedure will help to numb the area but will not completely take away sensation.
  • In men, and also occasionally in women, increased discomfort is related to tightening of the urethral sphincter as the scope is passed into the bladder. Trying to relax, take a deep breath, and not “clench” down during the cystoscopy process can sometimes make the process less uncomfortable.
  • Anticipation and perception also seem to play a role: Researchers have found that patients who watch their own cystoscopy procedure on a video screen experienced less discomfort than those that did not.

Video of ureteral stent removal in a male patient.

Pain after stent removal:

In most patients, stent removal is a relief as their stent discomfort goes away. However, in some patients, severe pain may occur for several hours. This is thought to be due to spasms of the ureter or swelling and temporary blockage developing after the stent comes out.

Not enough is known about this phenomenon but one recent study suggests it may occur in as many as half of patients. In the study, patients given a single dose of rofecoxib did not experience this pain while those given placebo developed it in 55% of cases. Rofecoxib went by the brand name Vioxx and is no longer available in the U.S. as it was withdrawn by the manufacturer.  The authors of the study report they now use naproxen as an alternative. You can read more about the study in our post “Severe pain after stent removal: How often does it occur and can anything prevent it?”

If you are thinking about trying naproxen, be sure to read the manufacturer’s warnings as some patients should not take the medication and check with your doctor first to make sure it’s okay in your situation.

About Dr. Mike Nguyen

Mike M Nguyen, MD, MPH, is a urologist and an Associate Professor of Clinical Urology at the Keck School of Medicine of USC in Los Angeles, CA. He specializes in the treatment of kidney stones with both surgery and dietary prevention and the in the treatment of kidney and prostate cancer using the latest robotic surgical approaches. He sees patients at clinics located in Los Angeles and La Canada, CA. He is the founder of the website.

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I am a 58 year old male and had an 8.5mm kidney stone removed a week ago and a Double J Stent was inserted during surgery. I can state without doubt the Stent is very painful indeed. I can only urinate when I sit down on the toilet and lean forward over my knees, totally forget standing up the pain and cramps will be too painful.

I also constantly pass blood in my urine but understand this is a common factor, as is controlling bladder function.

I am taking pain relief but to be honest the pain never really goes away and can be excruciating at times when i urinate. I will have the Stent removed in about 2 to 3 weeks, it can’t come fast enough!


I am a 26 year old nursing student. I unfortunately have a history of kidney stones in the past. I had a lithotrispy in March, went to ER due to pain from another stone. Urologist removed remaining stones in L kidney, currently have stent placed without string attached. Pain is horrible, couldn’t imagine having to go through this without meds. I have been considering attempting to remove stent at home (I realize that is unpractical) however, it has been considered due to the amout of pain related.

Mary J

My daughter is only 10 and she got a stent (with string) put in 2 weeks ago. Hopefully have it removed Friday (6/3) but I am so scared for her! But I wanted to let all of you suffering that my daughter was given medicine right after surgery to take every 6-8 hours for the spasms so she only had the urge to pee right after surgery up until her first dose kicked in… She is still taking it when she feels the urge but after almost 2 weeks it’s gotten better. As for peeing, when she first came out of surgery, I poured warm water down there when she would go and it helped the stinging. I learned this after my own bout with a kidney stone procedure (never got a stent)… And pain medication… My daughter is only 10 and she was put on 5 ml Oxycodone every 4-6 hours for pain. No one should have endure this without pain meds! She is 10 but I don’t care… I am 45 – I want pain meds!

I would go back to your primary care doctor and demand pain management and spasm medicine relief asap!!!

Best of luck to you all… I’m sure I’ll be in one of you shoes again some day (had 3 stones – lithotripsy for 2 of them/1 passed)…

krista oboyle

I’ve had my stent for 12 weeks. The doctors said it’s been in too long. (no shit) but they wait even longer to have it removed. I go in 2 days to get this Damn thing removed. Nothing but pain and agony since its been in. I was pregnant when I got it. After I have birth I had no pain with it. Until about 2 weeks ago when I started bleeding in my urine again and having intense burning pain and pressure while peeing. Turns out my urethra is inflamed and I have a kidney stone and a uti all at the same time now cuz of this. Wondering how removal will go with an inflamed urethra.


Litho with stent placement on rt side 5 days ago. Feel like I have to pee 100% of the time. Have pain on and off in kidney and bladder. Temp goes up every evening. 100.3 last night. Was told not to call dr until 100.5- fever to be expected. Was sent home from hospital with no antibiotic and no pain meds. Not sure how I am gonna deal with this another 9 days. Been off work since getting it ( dr gave me 1 day- took others as vacation). Not really sure how I will focus on work or get anything done with feeling like I have to pee all the time. Supposed to have again on left side. Really not sure that I will be able to agree it I. This sucks! Pain wise, stone leaving in it’s own was worse, but this sucks in a totally different way.


The stent was a nightmare – burning and stinging. Self removal was easy. Finally, relief! The removal was no big deal with no spasms or pain.

Cynthia Sheffield

I had my stent in for 7 days. After reading the posts here I was petrified about the removal. Well my stent was removed yesterday May 27, 2016 and it was a breeze. It was out within 30 seconds no pain no problems. I had 2 stones, one 3 mm the other 4
I still have an 11 mm in my other kidney. Although I’m not looking forward to going thru the process again for the remaining stone, I at least know what to expect and the anxiety level is definitely lower. I suggest that you should go into this situation with a calm positive mind set. I realize everyone’s pain tolerance is different, however being relaxed with no anxiety can help.

Darlene M

After reading some of these horror stories I am scared to have my stent removed. I had a 15 mm stone. After 3 surgeries and 2 stents the Dr told me it was finally crushed. I still have some of the stone but should be able to pass it without the stent. All of these procedures I was in the ER and out . They want to remove this one in the doctors office tomorrow. It has been in since March. The stent causes me pain. However it doesn’t hold a candle to passing a stone. Even a small stone can bring you to your knees. The amount of pain the stent has caused me , I give it a constant 2 out of 10. I am seriously considering calling them and telling them I want the ER to remove this. On the other hand I want to get rid of it ASAP. It feels like I rammed a splinter up there not to mention the pain in my kidney which doesn’t cease. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.

Darlene M

Well I had it removed at the DR’s office. Did not hurt at all when it was removed and my stent didn’t have the string attached. Whew I’m just glad it’s over and hope I never get another one.

Margaret Quinn

I had a stent removed today, my third one. By far this has been the worst one. The first two I had some pains, no blood. This one blood in urine everyday. I have been in severe pain since it was removed. Glad to have stumbled on this website. I was about to go to the er. Good luck fellow sufferers. 3 stones down and I’m sure more to come.

Tomorrow I get the stent removed. I can’t believe that it’s not going to be painful as I’ve had bleeding and burning since it was installed 11/2 weeks ago. Truly I think all these Dr’s should have one installed so they know what the patient experiences. Maybe the world be a little more liberal with the pain meds. I’m dying here. The nurse called and told me how much better I’m going to feel and to drink a lot of water. The last thing I want to do is uraniate. I feel like calling the fire department when I do and the pain is almost unbearable. Guy I had 5 back operations and a fractured neck. Nothing compared to this. I have no string hanging out so I can only assume the worst. I guess you’ll be hearing from me tomorrow night if I don’t check into the hospital lol. I know where I’d like to put the camera when he finishes with me. To all who are going thru this good luck.l

Nitin Ruhela


Bill Walker

Attention All:
My name is Knox Walker 49 year old male. I had the stone 11mm, blasted 2 weeks ago and this past Friday, yesterday had the stent removed. I’m including my email because I feel I need to be humane and speak out on this method of removal and be able to warn all. Nothing but lidocaine is used, gave me an antibiotic before the procedure and I should of ran out the door. No happy gas no pain killers-nothing. It was 2 minutes of unrelenting HELL. I consider myself pain tolerant. I’ve had back surgery, 2 knee surgeries, and have broken my tib/fib and ankle on my right leg. I also played college football. Nothing compared whatsoever to this stent removal method. I believe it is barbaric and in humane. I admit I had no idea prior to procedure, no research, and I got hit between the eyes. If anyone out there has this procedure done anesthesia is the ONLY method. Or don’t get the stent!!!!

John Grigorakis

Everything you said is so true.
I can’t stop laughing.
I just went through the same HELL

Rich Cronkright

Ditto for me

Rich Cronkright

Ditto for me. Now imagine 25 minutes of that hell

Kate Ballew

Oh no..i go tomorrow morning to get this torture device removed. I feel like kicking my Dr in the face while he’s down there. 15 days of pain, bleeding, crying, and not mention that I cannot empty my bladder. I can’t stand for more than a few minutes or I will pay dearly later. I wonder if they have any other anesthesia in the office.. I should insist on sedation. I can feel the stent all day, every move i make. Thank you so much for posting your story!


Same with me. I had a stent in both ureters. Although it only took a few minutes to get them out it was awful. Horrific pain for about 15 to 30 seconds as both the stent and scope came out in each ureter. Thankfully the intense pain only lasted seconds but it still hurt like hell.

Hunter Meyer

I’m on 16 years old and this is my 5th kidney stone.. This one is 1 centimeter and it’s awful! I have to get my stent pulled out today with the camera thingy. This is my first time with that and I’m extremely scared. I had my surgery 2 weeks ago.


Hi, I’m 16 years old too. How’s the removal bro? Just got my surgery from ureter stricture a month ago and had my stents in, after. I’ve got anxiety about having my stents removed.

I got a 1.5 x .5 cm stone laizered out on Monday the 9th of May and they installed a stent to be removed the following Wensday. Everytime I urinate I feel like I’m going to throw up and pass out from this spasms. I was released from the hospital with no pain meds. Are these Dr’s nuts or what. I think they should all have a stent inserted during medical school for a clear understanding of what there patients will be going thru in addition to removing it without the same. This to me is totally unacceptable in this day and age. Our government needs to let the Dr’s treat the patient accordingly. No one should have to suffer like this! I don’t want to pee! Any ideas?

Kate Ballew

The only times I have been able to go without tears was after taking klonipin. It relaxed me just enough that I almost emptied my bladder without pain. They should prescribe valium with this procedure. Good luck.


I have had two 7mm stones, one in each kidney. I have to say that the stones are nothing compared to the pain of stents! I have a very high tolerance for pain, but every time I urinated it felt like someone was trying to pull my kidney out of my penis! If a “urologist” suggest a stent, find another doctor! Thanks


It’s been my experience that those who claim to have a high pain tolerance, actually whine the most. Why don’t you try passing a stone without a stent and then you’ll know what pain is.


janel ive passed em and blown em up but NOTHING compares to the pain of the stent pee as im going thru right now

Susan Bee

I had the stent removed today. Had worried about it A lot. Honestly getting a flu shot is more painful. It took 30 seconds. Pain 2/10. (This is the first time I have ever posted.)

Rich Cronkright

I wish mine had taken 30 seconds.

Sharon may

Glad to hear that they are taking mine out Monday little apprehensive feel better hearing your response.

Cheryl P.

I am having my stent removed on May 31, 2016 with a cord that the doctor attached to my leg. I hope my removal goes as smooth as yours did with as little pain as possible. My surgery was May 25, 2016 without complication. I had a 6 mm stone that was blocking the bladder. The doctor used the laser and now it is gone. I have red the other posts and have had spine surgery and a hysterectomy and a bowel blockage and nothing compares to the pain of this.

Susan Bee

I had the stent removed today. Had worried about it wuite a bit having read things online. Honestly getting a flu shot is more painful. It took 30 seconds. Pain 2/10. (This is the first time I have ever posted.)

Susan Bee

I had the stent removed today. Had worried about it wuite a bit having read things online. Honestly getting a flu shot is more painful. It took 30 seconds. Pain 2/10.

Rich Cronkright

I also had a large 9mm x 6mm stone removed a few weeks ago. The stent was not a problem other than constant bleeding especially when I did cardio at the gym. Due to the amount of laser blasting it took to break up the stone and remove it, I needed to keep the stent in for two weeks. When the doctor tried to remove the stent it would not come out. It made the journey out of the kidney but did not want to leave my bladder The grasping tool kept letting go. Slowly they got it close to being out but it still fought back. Finally after about twenty five minutes and lots of prayer, it came out. Horrible experience. Lots of bleeding for two days and painful urination like peeing razor blades. Do not wish to ever repeat this again. Put me to sleep!


getting mine out next tuesday and i had to read your story…HOLY SHAT…amazed you did workouts with this devil sword in

Kathleen Wilson

I agree, i cant even stand for long periods much less work out


How stupid can a person be doing cardio while having a stent?

Rich Cronkright

The stent caused me no pain while working out.

Madhava Rao

Sr please tell me what should I do?
I have suffering from multiple stones in both kidneys with size of 6 to 7 mm since 4 years.
So, please give me a suggestion to get relief from this big problem.

Brent Star

Hi Madhava, a Greek woman told me the best think to shrink and pass stones is: NATURALLY with the use of wormwood. It doesn’t taste too good but washed straight down with a cup of tea and you won’t notice at all.
The Greek woman stood in a small metal laundry tub and peed. Many stones made a noise while they hit the tub… Amazing. I’m trying it and so far several stones have worn down.

There are other natural remedies. Search for one.



Chanca Piedra is said to break down stones, also drink lemon juice, apple cider vinegar mixed with raw honey, etc. Renavive, which has a website, has many testimonials from people who removed the pain and the stones over time by taking that product. If it does not work for anyone, they refund totally. There are many forms of chanca piedra, stone breaker, available on amazon where you can read of people’s experience with it there. Since my urologist will not even bother with stones until they are causing trouble (mine had to block the ureter completely and it made me so sick I nearly died as my intestines shut down as well as my left kidney) I am going to really give this chance piedra everything I have to try to eradicate the smaller stones the doc will not bother with. one of those ‘it isn’t in a place that is going to hurt you’ stones was the one that could have killed me if I hadn’t ceded to my husband’s pleas to let him take me to the emergency room. I was just too sick to want to move.

Tony Zanussi

Had a stent removed today and it was the most horrific experience this Marine Corps combat veteran ever faced! Nothing is natural about a 1/4″ thick device going up your urethra to remove a stent while you are wide awake. I had the stent put in while under anesthesia in a hospital. Why can’t we in USA (typically insured) request removal under anesthesia? If I ever get a stent again I will make sure I am under some kind of drug or alcohol shots!

Jennifer O

I have a stent now got it last Thursday and I am in more pain than i was before. Not only are my stones 12 and 14 mm but i have ecoli for the last 8 months in my kidney and a picc line this stent is the worst pain ever i demanded they take it out so as of Friday it is coming out

Sandy Estlow

I had three stones removed from my left kidney on Feb. 29th. A new stent was put in after having one in for 4 months due to two postponements of the surgery. The first stent constantly made me feel like I needed to go to the bathroom and was very uncomfortable but not painful. When it was removed it had a lot of calcification on it. The new stent I can’t even feel. In fact, if I didn’t know it I wouldn’t believe I still have one in! They say they do this for about two weeks after surgery just for precautionary measures…fragments I suppose. So far no issues and tomorrow it gets removed. I’m going to have to psyche myself out for the removal after reading some of these comments. I’m hoping I’m not going to have any issues. I haven’t had to take one pain pill since having the stones removed so maybe it will be easier for me than others.

Ken Sigman

My wife and I had planned, and paid for, a trip to Italy for our 30th anniversary. Of course 3 days before the trip I had a large stone start to move. I went to my urologist the next day and he agreed to blast it the day before we left for our trip. 10 hours before getting on the plane, I woke up in the recovery room with an 8 inch wire coming out the end of my johnson. The Doctor told me this would let the blasted bits flow out more freely and I could remove the stent myself after a few days in Venice. While the stent itself was not uncomfortable, the fishing line rubbing against the tip made me feel like I needed to pee every 5 minutes. The 8 hour plane trip was miserable. When the water taxi let us off at St. Mark’s Square there was not a public restroom to be found and they were all pay toilets. Our hotel was only 10 minutes away by foot but needless to say I didn’t make it. At this point I was very frustrated and called my doc from my cell phone and asked him what to do. We are friends and hunting buddies so when I told him my situation he tried not to chuckle and told me to pull the stent out immediately and throw it in the canal. I did and the relief was immediate. There was some discomfort for a few days passing shards but nothing I could not handle. We had the best trip of our lives and left with this great story to tell.

Paul kirby

I have had issues with a large kidney stone in my right kidney and it takes months to get on the lithotripsy list so was told if I had a stent fitted it would relieve my pain till the stone was blasted. This could not be further from the truth I have had more severe pain if that is possible from the stent caused continuous bleeding major pain so much that I have ended up on three different types of pain relief and morphine and having to come off work for the first time in 11 years. I have had kidney stones for 23 years and normally cause attacks every 2 years with extreme pain but that was nothing compared to the stent. My opinion is keep well away from them if offered run and run as fast as you can.

Sandy Estlow

I’m so sorry to hear that you suffered with pain after the stent was implanted. I had to wait two months for my surgery to get scheduled and then it was postponed twice due to a cold and then a positive urine test. It turned out the stent was giving a false reading as removing urine from the bladder showed no infection whatsoever. The stent was uncomfortable for me but caused no pain or bleeding. In fact, it was a godsend for me to get it implanted to stop the horrendous pain of the stone trying to go through my ureteral tube. After surgery I was given another stent for two weeks and this one I couldn’t even feel. I suffered no pain at all with the stent or after the surgery. Having the stent removed tomorrow so I’m hoping my luck holds out.


Absolutly agree with. I have had them for 20 years on and off. Told them next time just take my kidney. Never will I allow a stent again!!!


I had Litho with stent placement done last Wednesday. I had a lot of stent pain and pain with urination (kidney/bladder spasms). Today I was finally able to pull that sucker out. I took pain meds, hopped in the shower and talked myself into just doing it. It wasn’t that bad (ladies, it’s kinda like pulling out a long tampon – just a different hole). However immediately afterwards I was expecting some form of relief. WRONG. I was in just as much if not more pain. My kidney and bladder were spasming so much for about an hour, and I had already taken all my pain medications. It’s finally starting to calm down now but wow, this day procedure was a doozy!

Good luck everyone!

I had the blasting procedure 3 weeks ago and after suffering more pain and an x-ray there it was big as life. Quarter sized 1/2 inch thick. I was rescheduled for a lazer procedure yesterday. Dr. Said he took out all the large pieces and installed a stent. Guy’s I’m dying over here. Every time it pee I feel like I’m going to throw up and the pain and spasms are unbearable. I was released with a prescription for antibiotics and No pain meds.This is the worst!!! Any ideas out there?
Help Me!


There are medications to help stop the spasms which cause the pain. One is flomax, also called tamsulosin which was invented to help urine get past enlarged prostate in men. Another is vesicare, which I don’t know what it does, and another pyridiam, which coats the lining of everything inside and lessens the spasms. The bladder responds to a foreign object (the curly end of the stent) by making your body think it has to urinate. It becomes more and more insistent to the point of severe pain when the foreign body is not removed. Ask your doctor for these medications NOW! I went five days without realizing they existed, as I was sent home from the hospital with antibiotics only, getting up every night every half hour to pee. No one told me these drugs existed, and there may be others as well. I had NO idea what was causing the pain, assuming this was the pain one gets briefly after having a catheter in.


Take a Tylenol and an Ibuprofen it’s the same thing as taking a pain pill is what the dentist told me without the narcotic. I really hope You get better really soon!!!

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