How is a ureteral stent removed?

Diagram of a ureteral stent in position.We previously went over how to place a ureteral stent. In today’s post, we go over the steps of removing a stent. Ureteral stents are removed using two basic methods:

1) By pulling on a stent string, if the string was left in place.

2) Placing a camera into the bladder (cystoscopy) to directly see and grab the stent with a small grasping device.

Removing a stent with a string left in place:

In some cases, your urologist will leave a string attached to one end of a ureteral stent. The stent string is a long piece of thread that will start from the stent and drape out the urethra, where it is visible at the urethral meatus (where urine comes out). A diagram and photos of a stent with a string attached are shown below.

To remove the stent, the visible string is firmly held and steady continuous pulling is applied until the entire stent comes out. The curls at the end of ureteral stent are flexible, so the stent should uncurl and come out easily.

What’s the advantage of leaving a string?

  1. The stent can be removed without performing cystoscopy.
  2. Patients can remove their own stent without waiting for an appointment or having to come to the office.
  3. Stents can’t be “forgotten” when a string is attached. When no string is left attached, a patient may forget or not realize that a stent was left in place. Over time, these forgotten stents can form large stones on them, making removal very difficult.

What’s the disadvantage of a string?

  1. The string can get snagged on clothing or be pulled on accidentally, resulting in a ureteral stent being removed earlier than it was supposed to. This seems to more commonly occur with female patients.
  2. The string can be a minor annoyance.
  3. Some patients prefer not to have to remove their stents themselves at home using the string. They however can usually come to the office where the staff can perform this for them.

Removing a stent by performing cystoscopy (with video below):

When no string or only a portion of the string is left attached, your urologist will need to use a camera to enter your bladder through your urethra. He or she can then see the stent and use an instrument to securely grasp it and remove it. The process is usually quick and occurs in the clinic. It takes only a minute or so in most cases.

Steps in removing a ureteral stent with cystoscopy

  1. Use a cystoscope to enter the bladder. (A cystoscope is a camera that can be placed into the bladder).
  2. Identify the stent.
  3. Use a grasper to securely grab the stent.
  4. Remove the cystoscope, grasper, and the secured stent as one unit.

The video at the bottom of the page demonstrates all these steps.

How uncomfortable is stent removal using a cystoscope?

For the majority of patients, stent removal is not as uncomfortable as they expected. We often have patients react in surprise when they learn that the stent has been already been removed and the procedure is done.

Unfortunately, some patients do experience discomfort with stent removal, more commonly in men because of their longer urethra. This can be due to discomfort from the cystoscope itself or from the sensation of the stent being removed. While most patients do not feel the stent actually sliding when removed from the kidney, some do experience an uncomfortable sensation with this.

Is there anything that can be done to make it more comfortable?

  • Lidocaine jelly placed into the urethra at the beginning of the procedure will help to numb the area but will not completely take away sensation.
  • In men, and also occasionally in women, increased discomfort is related to tightening of the urethral sphincter as the scope is passed into the bladder. Trying to relax, take a deep breath, and not “clench” down during the cystoscopy process can sometimes make the process less uncomfortable.
  • Anticipation and perception also seem to play a role: Researchers have found that patients who watch their own cystoscopy procedure on a video screen experienced less discomfort than those that did not.

Video of ureteral stent removal in a male patient.

Pain after stent removal:

In most patients, stent removal is a relief as their stent discomfort goes away. However, in some patients, severe pain may occur for several hours. This is thought to be due to spasms of the ureter or swelling and temporary blockage developing after the stent comes out.

Not enough is known about this phenomenon but one recent study suggests it may occur in as many as half of patients. In the study, patients given a single dose of rofecoxib did not experience this pain while those given placebo developed it in 55% of cases. Rofecoxib went by the brand name Vioxx and is no longer available in the U.S. as it was withdrawn by the manufacturer.  The authors of the study report they now use naproxen as an alternative. You can read more about the study in our post “Severe pain after stent removal: How often does it occur and can anything prevent it?”

If you are thinking about trying naproxen, be sure to read the manufacturer’s warnings as some patients should not take the medication and check with your doctor first to make sure it’s okay in your situation.

About Dr. Mike Nguyen

Mike M Nguyen, MD, MPH, is a urologist and an Associate Professor of Clinical Urology at the Keck School of Medicine of USC in Los Angeles, CA. He specializes in the treatment of kidney stones with both surgery and dietary prevention and the in the treatment of kidney and prostate cancer using the latest robotic surgical approaches. He sees patients at clinics located in Los Angeles and La Canada, CA. He is the founder of the website.

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I just had a ureteroscopy today and had a stent placed on each kidney. These are the stents with a string, so I have two strings hanging out. I am supposed to remove them myself in one week. I am curious if I pull them out simultaneously? Is the urethra wide enough to handle two at a time? It sounds really painful. Or am I supposed to pull out one at a time? The strings have already become entwined to form a single string, so I am worried about the strings getting tangled and messing things up if I just pull one. What gave other people on here done?


I had my stent removed in office last Friday. I worried so much about it being painful but it wasn’t bad. However, I most definitely would NOT pull both stents out at the same time. You also want to take a deep breath when you grab the string and blow out while you QUICKLY pull the string all the way out. Good luck!


I am on my second round of kidney stones. The first was on my left side and like I’ve heard from a few of you above, when they tried to remove it I became really sick and was in ICU for 3 days followed by 8 days in a standard room. The doctor suggested I see a specialist because he could not get rid of my infection and could not remove the stone without the infection being cleared. I saw the specialist and her team tried to remove it only to see that I still had an infection and the stone had to remain. I was on and off antibiotics both in the hospital and at home with a pic line until I was finally free to get the stone removed. I was told that there would be two stents put in. one higher up in my abdomen that the doctor would remove in 2 weeks and on lower where the string was hanging. Of course I was told all this as I was coming out of sedation from the procedure.
I was in the hospital (still) and saw a string like a fishing line, very long and annoying on my leg. I pulled it and kept pulling it until these two long rubber lines came out.
Yes, there was blood and pain but as I was still in the hospital I was given medication when the doctor on call found out what I had done. The stent with the line I could have pulled out on my own at home in a ‘steamy shower’ per doctor’s orders but the other stent would have to be removed in the doctors office with lydacaine /camera and follow up ultrasound. I didn’t know, and the two stents had somehow became tangled up in my abdomen.
Now here it is 8 months later and I have a stone in my right kidney. Had the day surgery to remove the stone and the doctor made sure there was no string on my stent so I cannot remove it myself. The difference between staying in the hospital and having this done and being at home are two worlds apart. In the hospital if I felt pain they knew what to do. I am supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day but I cant because I spend my whole day without it (missing work by the way) in the bathroom. As soon as I hobble back to bed I have to run back to the bathroom. And it hurts! So uncomfortable. I am scheduled to have it taken out this Thursday in the doctor’s office using the (cystology??) approach. Which means lathering on the numbing medication and using the camera/scope to tug it out. I know that when I get home there will be bleeding and pain. The bladder does not like to be pushed and shoved around like that. Next week I go for an ultrasound to make sure the stones are gone and the following week I meet up with the doctor again to go over my results. I really do not want to miss work but the thoughts of even walking to the office from the garage without a bathroom in sight and knowing I will be throwing up as well have convinced me (not my boss) that I need to wait until the stent is out. I am going to ask for something for the pain and spasms when I go to get the stent out but am guessing the doctor will say no.


I am so thankful to find this thread! I had 3 surgeries in 7 days,6 days ago to remove a large kidney stone.The 1st procedure was to place a wire stent through kidney for surgery the next afternoon.It was barbaric & inhumane,I was supposed to be under conscious sedation but I was awake & felt everything. I now know I shuld have just insisted they stop.After returning to my room I had the most excruciating pain ive ever had..I begged for more pain relief & I begged for my Dr to be called,I ws writhing in pain on the floor dreaming of jumping out the window.. After the stent was removed during the 2nd procedure I flelt so much better,Until of course I developed a UTI & pain similar to first kidney stone.I gave in & called after suffering like a dog for 6 days & went to ER they could not manage my pain no matter what they give me,I have a very high tolerance for pain but I was literally biting on facecloths to try to silence my screams.Eventually they prepped me for emergency surgery & while signing consents, I was told I would have a stent & I begged NOOOOOOOOO but they were very firm & basically said if I don’t agree now Ill lose my life in minutes, I just consented because I was in so much agony & drugged up. I have had the stent now for 5 days & I am going insane.It is horrendous, No one tells you the truth upon discharge.I am a nursing student & really thought I knew what to expect post-op. I have a discharge order to have the stent removed in 4 weeks.There is NO WAY I can survive this.What magic words could I use to convince my DR to remove the stent immmediatey? Tnanks so much in advance for any guidance.


After my summer ordeal with sepsis, etc And a move to a exporter
On kidney stones. I got up when back in my room ( had been
Hospitalized due to infections.
I got my hand caught in this huge looped string and ended up givivg it a tug.
Needless to say it kept coming and coming. I didn’t know what was going on. The nurse heard me give a yeel and said ph that must have hurt. She called the doctor to see if she could give me something for the pain. Doctor was pretty upset figure I was just one oth two sents and set me up for that horrible cyst something or other to take
The other stent out. After 30 minutes of agony he said he couldn’t find it and sent number off for a CT-scan. The stents must have looped themselves and when I tugged the first one out the abdominal one came with it.
This time there no strings that I can find but she said don’t
T worry they are there.
After reading a lot of your stories I think I will ask for something more tan a numbikng gel?

Linda Michele Peters

Good Tidings to all,
I came across this site while researching stent removal (some time this week). March 5, 2017 I was engulfed in the worst pain I ever felt resulting in an ambulance trip to the hospital. I’m no stranger to pain having broken many bones, had gall stones for almost a year before surgery could be done (insurance issue) as well as other assorted injuries that accumulate over 64 years, but this pain was a doozey!! I was diagnosed with kidney stones, given meds to help them pass and sent home. 3 days later, at 3am, I woke with “that pain” again. I figured a stone was passing and I tried to tuff it out, but I couldn’t believe how much worse it became. I couldn’t even think straight. My nephew took me to the ER and I was admitted and given two doses of morphine within 40 minutes just to take the edge off. OMG this site really helped me through this experience just knowing I wasn’t being a drama queen. I’m getting the stent out in a few days and I seriously can’t wait for that “have to pee urgency” to go away. I plan on following this group as I understand that I’ll probably have more stones in the future–bummer. Best wishes to all,
Linda Michele

Jacalyn Huebert

I’ve had several problems myself with stones, I’m getting my stent removed Thursday, and thy are getting another small stone, while thy are in there. Why don’t thy sedate you?? Can I asked to be sedate??


Just had my stent with string attached removed. Went to the doctors office as I was too scared to do it myself. It was uncomfortable, but only for a second while the nurse pulled it out. Afterwards, all good. Overall – it’s not bad at all.


Can you drive after removal?


went to the ER with bleedind and back pain …found out I had 1cm stone ..had the stone blasted and removed and stent placed in me .. getting the stent removed tomorrow .. after reading every thing i do not think there will be any worry about it … looking for a pain free day


So I had surgery tuesday to have a 2mm kidney stone removed, that was sitting there for almost 2 months. They place a stent in my right kidney tof my bladder. It was very discomforting and could barely
Sit or bend. They put a string on the end and taped it to my leg so I could self remove. They gave me one dose of antibiotics for before. I was switching off between ibuprofen antibiotics and Tylenol antibiotics del antibiotics day long. Finally on Friday I was able to remove it myself. Bad idea because I actually ended up having a UTI that went back up kidney when I pulled the stent out. I was sick all day and couldnt keep anything down and my temperature was spiking. I spent the night in the hospital being pumped with fluids and antibiotics. If you don’t have t.remove it yourself, dont. I felt it to be dangerous.
Just leaving this here from my story and what I went thru. I will never wish this pain on ANYONE.

Deb Vizine

Read all the comments. I had a 6-7 mm stone removed by uterology method was put out for this. Have a stent without string can’t wait to get it out in a week. Glad to see many of you said it is,not painful! That was my concern. I do have pain meds from the actual kidney stone pain so will save some for the after removal pain I read about. Thanks

I couldn’t do it…get it removed, without verced. I’ve had chest drains pulled several times without pain meds but i asked to be knocked out even for this quick removal of my stent. This is my third one and I’ll do it this way from now on.

Jason Kelvington

Had an 13mm stone, which I passed successfully and amazed my urologist. But also had 30+ mm in my left kidney that I had a PCNL performed by placing two holes in my back into my kidney and went thru those holes directly into my kidney and laser lithotripsied the stones. Have had a stent for two months now and getting removed here in about 4hrs and scared to death. I have a good pain tolerance but it’s the process that freaks me out. This is just a area that shouldn’t be entered. Now in the hospital I did have a catheter in and that tube was pretty big so maybe will feel the same. Wish me luck.


Hi Jason,
I so hear you !! I’ve had 9 kidney stone bouts in 30+ years and had my stent inserted a few days after yours was removed. My urologist and I figured we’d take a proactive approach after clusters of stones were discovered last fall on an E.R. x-ray for a pinched back nerve. Had the surgery last week and all went well. I’m with you…it’s the last part of the whole process….the stent removal…that I dread….and today it was time for mine to come out. Uncomfortable as hell as that device goes in & equally so as it’s coming out. But, feeling better now that it’s out. I feel your pain 🙂


Hi all I had a impacted uretal stone removed Thursday. I begged my urologist not to leave a stent in as the one placed in my 20’s was excruciatingly painful. Well she compromised with leaving a string on it so that I could remove it. It was very awkward the string and on Saturday I couldn’t control my urine flow at all and had to get adult diapers. I have continued to have chills and shivering and I finally gave up as I was supposed to wait till Monday. To remove it I took ibuprofen and the antispasmodic med given to me and I waited 20 minutes and I stayed laying down with many towels
under me I very slowly pulled it out. It felt weird but not painful. Some blood after but not much, I can again control my urine flow.. I hope no more chills!


Thank you Julie for your input. I thought I was the only one that can’t tolerate the stent. Taking 3 different meds to control the spasms and pain! I’ve had one for 2 months and have felt like it has controlled my entire life. They say drink lots of liquid and walk, but that is not a good combination when you have a stent! I have a 3CM staghorn stone and we where trying to blast it with Lithotripsey. The Lithotripsey is nothing, but the stent is intolerable for me personally. I get my stent out today and hoping for a little normal. Having surgery to remove the stone March 27. A little scared, but figure can’t be as bad as the stent!

Chloe H.

I am 16 years old and had a 4 mm Kidney Stone with a Kidney Infection. They had to remove the stone and place a stent in. I get to take mine out in 3 days. Is it normal to be able to take it out that early? I mean, you all had to keep them in for like 2 weeks, which I would not be able to do. I’m super nervous about removing it and I was wondering if you guys had any hints to make the removal process more comfortable? Is it easier to remove it yourself, or have someone else do it, like my Mom or my Sister who has her CNA?

Joel DeClue Sr.

Regarding Stents – Put your feet up, let me tell you a story my fellow kidneystoners brothers and sisters 🙂

I have had 100’s of stones, 25+ ESWL’s and probably around 15 stents placed as well, all over the last 28 years. I am lucky in that I can tolerate a stent pretty well, yes it hurts if I bend to much, I do get an urgency to urinate frequently but severe pain only occurs in short bursts when actually urinating. I have found if I sit down, lean back a bit to straighten my urethra and the stent as much as possible, take deep breaths and relax ( as much as possible) it lessens the pain from severe to tolerable. Of course us kidneystoners have a different painscale then the typical 1-10, smiling to unhappy face that most people are used to. Ours goes to 11!

The first stent had a string attached, in 1989, my Urologist actually tied surgical thread to the bottom through one of the drainage holes as this was prior to stents having threads attached. He was still unable to remove it, with the string as it kept catching on the inside of my bladder, so I had to go under general anesthesia to have it removed. Since that time I have never been able to have a stent removed without being put under, not for lack of effort. Multiple times Urologists have tried but stopped immediately after a minute or two of trying and scheduled a cysto with general anesthesia.

The last time it was tried in an office, the Urologist, who placed the stent and did a ESWL (this Urologist shall henceforth be called he whom shall go unnamed) and his nurse were in the room. He whom shall go unnamed numbed me up and then went in with the cysto. After approximately 20-25 minutes of being yelled at by he whom shall go unnamed to just relax, over and over and over again, passing out from pain once and his nurse breaking into tears, screaming at the doctor to stop and then leaving the room he whom shall go unnamed finally gave up after blaming me for the failed procedure. I then promptly threw up from the pain and it took another 30 minutes before I could get of the table and the nurse helped me dress, all the while she was crying and apologizing to me. His partner removed it the following day at a day Surgery Center under anesthesia. Took almost a week to get over the pain in my urethra and bladder from that initial attempt. Never heard from or saw he whom shall go unnamed, nor did I even recieve a bill or anything regarding that office visit, no documentation whatsoever, odd. So, I found a new Urologist right away for the next few years, wonderful man, still practing but doesn’t take my latest insurance, bummer. If you are in the Reston, VA area, and in need, add him to your list to check out, Dr. Daniel Laurent. Hope it is ok to name a Dr here.

So why the big deal with getting these stents removed? I just found out!

Enter my latest Urologist, good guy like all of my Urologists, except he who shall not be named. So I explained that I have never successfully had a stent removed without anesthesia. I have had about 8 Urologists over the last 28 years as I moved multiple times up the east coast. 3 weeks ago I had an ESWL performed on my left kidney to break up two 6-8mm stones, no stent. Yesterday I had a cysto performed to check my urethra and bladder, I requested it becuase I have been having some minor issues and a prostate check did not explain them, that was followed by another ESWL to break up 3 stones in my right kidney. Since I have successfully passed 8mm stones in the past we decided that no stent was needed for either.

Turns out that my Bladder is rotated backwards by quite a few degrees from normal. Appears almost normal on x-rays etc., but the angle to get the cysto to my ureters was extreme. Just like my kidneys, which are also rotated so that the tops face outward from my spine and the lower poles face inward, about 35 degrees from normal, the lower poles do not drain properly, hence 100’s of kidney stones despite massive fluid intake and activity.

Anyway, due to the rotation the cysto device has to be tilted at an extreme angle to get to my ureters and the reason the doctor who shall not be named was unable to get to the end of the stent to grab it. Yeah, just relax, hah you try that when the device is at such an angle he is butting it up against my leg!

So, after only 28 years, countless x-rays, placed and removed stents, etc. I finally have an answer as to why a Urologist has never succeeded in removing a stent without anesthesia! Well it’s that or I just need to relax more 😉


Wow reading that was painful. Have you tried massage to help the lower poles empty?


I just had surgery to remove a Large Kidney Stone that was attached to my Kidney and Ureter the Stone was there for over Ten Years and scar tissue built up around the Stone The first Surgery didn’t remove the Stone I had a Stent placed in after the First Surgery then 2 weeks later I had the second surgery which was successful I have a Large Stent with a String well taped must keep it in for a Week then will remove it myself. It is uncomfortable a little painful but looking forward to removing it in Five Days. My Stone measured 2.7CM


How did they remove your stone Lithotripsy or laser?? I just had a 1.3cm in the lower ureter….removed 5 days ago still red blood in my urine…..worried but nurse said it is normal…. stent to be removed in 10 days….. I do NOT see any string….. so worried how he is to remove double J stent. Lucky, he said he got the stone and removed (I guess pieces) with a basket….but still small fragments. I was curious to know what you meant when you said it was taped…as I have had a stent before with the string visible…this one Not visible. My stone also there for years sitting in lower part of the ureter no real pain just noticed some occasional blood.

I have 15 mm stone finished opration doctor his put me in side sten i want to know remove sten after coming something problem


Had my stent removed yesterday in Dr office. They squeezed a tube of lidocaine jelly in my urethra…then doc went in to grab stent. I don’t know if it was pain…but the whole procedure was the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever been through. Today no pain…clear urine…ordeal over


Stents with a string are barbaric. Plain and simple. The string snags on clothes and in men, spontaneous nocturnal erections can be a nightmare.

Robert Hill

You aren’t kidding. Found this out last night. For some reason my doctor left the damn strings nine or ten inches long. They get all discumboobulated while sleeping. And when it hardens, if the strings are not straight out from it, ouch! Stinging as the string pulls on the upper or lower urethra. Since the article says that they sometimes go in after the strings, I might just cut mine. The hell with it. If they were only two or three inches long they’d be easier to deal with.


I had kidney stone surgery yesterday. They sent me home with a string attached to a stent. After waking up this morning the string is gone. Should I wait until Monday to go to the doctors office or should I go to the ER today? I just do not know if there is any danger with the string going back up into me.


I’ve read alot on this and it’s very common for the string to “disappear into the body and come back out later.


Is it common for a woman with a stent to have the string disappear? Or were you taking about men?

santhosh k a

Sir,I am 32 year old men and I have the st end is inside my body.if the st end is not removed from my body any problem faced in future

I am a 52 year old woman. I had a 4 mm kidney stone that blocked my uterer I had surgery on August 19 to have it removed and a stent put in. I developed sepis and had a resistance to antibiotics. They finally started treat me with a med to keep memo patients from getting infection. The stent was very painful yes but I found with 600 mg of ibprophen and Tylenol 3 every 6 hours and not doing anything to strain my stomach made it a lot easier to deal with. Yesterday September 15 I had my stent removed. I simply took 600 mg of ibprophen to keep from swelling and I felt no pain just a little pinch when the stent come out. When I got home I took my Tylenol 3 got plenty of rest not using my stomach muscles and I’m doing fine. I also have a very low tolorance for pain but I’ve been able to deal with it. I hope this can help others the way its helped me! Good luck to all! May God Bless

Eddie C

Thank you. I will keep this in mind for my stent removal.

Maggie L

Thanks for sharing your experience of stent removal. I am getting my taken out today at the doctor’s office. I am a little nervous but relieved that it will out soon! Thanks again for sharing your story! I hope all is well with you now.
Thanks Maggie

First, I have the best doctor I have ever had, met or even heard of. He is amazing. The office is closed right now, so here I am. I had a double j stent put in for two weeks. I was nervous, but after reading many forums, it seemed the concensus was it was quick and painless. I had it removed today at 3. I have a low tolerance for pain and can I tell you it didn’t hurt a single bit!!! It was quick and painless. Heck a obgyn exam is more uncomfortable than that this. I felt nearly immediate relief from all the issues that the stent had caused. I was shocked, it wasn’t even uncomfortable and the relief of having that thing in me for two weeks was glorious! Well…..I was fine for the first couple of hours. But now I am feeling pain like the day they put it in :(. I was told this will pass- did anyone else experience pain after the stent was removed and for how long? Any advice?

I also had a stent removed sept. 15 it was wonderful getting it out. Then a few hours later I had bad cramps and pain in my back. I’ve been taking 600 mg off ibprophen and a Tylenol 3 every 6 hours and am having very minimal pain. I’ve also been doing nothing to use my stomach muscles no bending or pushing now I’m feeling fine and its been 24 hours or less. Once you get the swelling down in your kidney and utherer you’ll feel a lot better. Good luck!


I have just had a 1.3 cm stone removed from my lower part of the ureter and have only one kidney. Now, did have a catheter for 3 days as it was impossible to totally empty my bladder. I also have a double J stent to be tromped in another 10 days. You put my mind at ease saying there was not much pain. Did he give you any anthestia? I did not have much pain with the stent but I do have pink/red blood in urine…no pain. Was that common with you? My big stone was broken up with a late and the urologist said he removed it with the basket however now that the catheter is removed I have passed quite a bit of gravel…small stones. So, big question; bleeding with stent? and Removal Pain? Hopefully I can still return to work after stent is removed. Thanks for any comment…much much appreciated.

Susan C

That’s a good idea to take meds before you got it out.. I will be getting my stent out in about another week.. I don’t know if I have a string or not I just don’t want pain.. I had a 12.7 stone But it was still in my kidney It was found during a cat scan for another problem I had Never knew I had it.. He blasted it and I am seeing particals coming out in the strainer… I have pain but I think its from the stent.. I was on percacett but am just taking advil now.. I hope the stent comes out easy…


I had stone in my kidney 9mm , which blocked my ureter. Now dr put stent so now after a month he has to remove but there is no string !!
So how will he remove it without anestesia

So on Aug 24, I went to the ER with severe pain in the left side and flank, which caused me to vomit. They gave me toradol by IV and sent me home, with an ultra sound scheduled for the next day. During the Ultra sound they discovered a 1 cm stone which was too large to pass and needed to be surgically blasted. I had this done on Aug 31, and the stent removed yesterday, sept 7 by the urologist. I like most of you was very worried about both procedures. Let me start by saying, the blasting and stent procedure is ok, I was out completely. However was not able to return to work the next day like they said I would. I had pain for about 3 days after, and then it was more annoying than anything due to the feeling of the stent. I had pressure under my rib cage and pain like a splash back in my flank when I had to pee. I did not have the sensation of having to pee all the time as most others do, but I had a burning when I had to pee. Stent removal was fine, yesterday sept 7. Pain was about a 1, it was the nerves and not knowing what to expect that was killer! But the process was fine. HOWEVER….2 hrs after the removal, I felt pain like I did prior to the surgery…! Felt like I was passing a stone. Thankfully I had Toradol and t3s to help, but it was awful. Then about 10 hrs later I started to bleed. I couldn’t tell if it was my period starting early or from the procedure. I called the urologist and they said both the pain and the bleeding are Normal, and should dissipate over the next couple of days. Why were these side affects never told to me??? Has this ever happened to anyone else? Why did the urologist not perscribe pain Meds. The Meds I had were from the ER doc! And the urologist would not write a doctors note to be off work…had to get that from the family doc! So not impressed with the lack of information regarding this whole process. I am a mother of 2 and would gladly have a third before having kidney stone pain again!

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