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Hi I recently had a kidney transplant on June 2nd and now I’m just finding out that I have to stents I was wondering am I supposed to have this pain in the lower abdominal area it hurts when I walk and my lower back hurts


I have the exact same symptoms. Hurts to walk, laugh, take deep breaths. This stent has caused me more pain then the damn kidney stone. I wish you luck-

tracey merola

I had a stent put in and it hurts and I have to pee all the time and I feel like someone is squeezing my kidney. why is this happing to me?? I had emergency to have this stent put in I mean I do not have that constant pain that was unbearable but I am at a whole level of different pain. I have to pee constantly it hurts and i feel like i have a real bad uti. I am having surgery on June 5th to remove the kidney stones and they said I do not need pain meds ugh…. i just need for this to be over I want my life back.


I completely understand, going through the exact same thing! It’s awful 🙁 My surgery is on the 10th.


I am in the hospital now with a large kidney stone blocking the urethra and it’s too big to pass. I am being admitted to have the stone possibly blasted and a stent put in. I am terrified of the stent especially he pain while the stent is in. I know there will be pain when the stent is put in, but I am worried about the pain while it’s in. I was told there might be pain but nothing like what I’m experiencing now. Can you talk to me about my concern? Thank you


After litho, my ureter became inflamed and caused hydronephrosis. I had to get a stent in to allow drainage. Now I am wondering how the stones are supposed to flow out with a stent in place??? I believe they get “stuck” alongside the stent until it’s pulled out. I am experiencing very bad back and lower back pain – I don’t know if I can wait another week like this!