How is a ureteral stent removed?

Diagram of a ureteral stent in position.We previously went over how to place a ureteral stent. In today’s post, we go over the steps of removing a stent. Ureteral stents are removed using two basic methods:

1) By pulling on a stent string, if the string was left in place.

2) Placing a camera into the bladder (cystoscopy) to directly see and grab the stent with a small grasping device.

Removing a stent with a string left in place:

In some cases, your urologist will leave a string attached to one end of a ureteral stent. The stent string is a long piece of thread that will start from the stent and drape out the urethra, where it is visible at the urethral meatus (where urine comes out). A diagram and photos of a stent with a string attached are shown below.

To remove the stent, the visible string is firmly held and steady continuous pulling is applied until the entire stent comes out. The curls at the end of ureteral stent are flexible, so the stent should uncurl and come out easily.

What’s the advantage of leaving a string?

  1. The stent can be removed without performing cystoscopy.
  2. Patients can remove their own stent without waiting for an appointment or having to come to the office.
  3. Stents can’t be “forgotten” when a string is attached. When no string is left attached, a patient may forget or not realize that a stent was left in place. Over time, these forgotten stents can form large stones on them, making removal very difficult.

What’s the disadvantage of a string?

  1. The string can get snagged on clothing or be pulled on accidentally, resulting in a ureteral stent being removed earlier than it was supposed to. This seems to more commonly occur with female patients.
  2. The string can be a minor annoyance.
  3. Some patients prefer not to have to remove their stents themselves at home using the string. They however can usually come to the office where the staff can perform this for them.

Removing a stent by performing cystoscopy (with video below):

When no string or only a portion of the string is left attached, your urologist will need to use a camera to enter your bladder through your urethra. He or she can then see the stent and use an instrument to securely grasp it and remove it. The process is usually quick and occurs in the clinic. It takes only a minute or so in most cases.

Steps in removing a ureteral stent with cystoscopy

  1. Use a cystoscope to enter the bladder. (A cystoscope is a camera that can be placed into the bladder).
  2. Identify the stent.
  3. Use a grasper to securely grab the stent.
  4. Remove the cystoscope, grasper, and the secured stent as one unit.

The video at the bottom of the page demonstrates all these steps.

How uncomfortable is stent removal using a cystoscope?

For the majority of patients, stent removal is not as uncomfortable as they expected. We often have patients react in surprise when they learn that the stent has been already been removed and the procedure is done.

Unfortunately, some patients do experience discomfort with stent removal, more commonly in men because of their longer urethra. This can be due to discomfort from the cystoscope itself or from the sensation of the stent being removed. While most patients do not feel the stent actually sliding when removed from the kidney, some do experience an uncomfortable sensation with this.

Is there anything that can be done to make it more comfortable?

  • Lidocaine jelly placed into the urethra at the beginning of the procedure will help to numb the area but will not completely take away sensation.
  • In men, and also occasionally in women, increased discomfort is related to tightening of the urethral sphincter as the scope is passed into the bladder. Trying to relax, take a deep breath, and not “clench” down during the cystoscopy process can sometimes make the process less uncomfortable.
  • Anticipation and perception also seem to play a role: Researchers have found that patients who watch their own cystoscopy procedure on a video screen experienced less discomfort than those that did not.

Video of ureteral stent removal in a male patient.

Pain after stent removal:

In most patients, stent removal is a relief as their stent discomfort goes away. However, in some patients, severe pain may occur for several hours. This is thought to be due to spasms of the ureter or swelling and temporary blockage developing after the stent comes out.

Not enough is known about this phenomenon but one recent study suggests it may occur in as many as half of patients. In the study, patients given a single dose of rofecoxib did not experience this pain while those given placebo developed it in 55% of cases. Rofecoxib went by the brand name Vioxx and is no longer available in the U.S. as it was withdrawn by the manufacturer.  The authors of the study report they now use naproxen as an alternative. You can read more about the study in our post “Severe pain after stent removal: How often does it occur and can anything prevent it?”

If you are thinking about trying naproxen, be sure to read the manufacturer’s warnings as some patients should not take the medication and check with your doctor first to make sure it’s okay in your situation.

About Dr. Mike Nguyen

Mike M Nguyen, MD, MPH, is a urologist and an Associate Professor of Clinical Urology at the Keck School of Medicine of USC in Los Angeles, CA. He specializes in the treatment of kidney stones with both surgery and dietary prevention and the in the treatment of kidney and prostate cancer using the latest robotic surgical approaches. He sees patients at clinics located in Los Angeles and La Canada, CA. He is the founder of the website.

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Ch v Madhusudhana Rao

How much time spend for uretra stent removal , and how much time unconscious


Nurse put lidocaine jelly to somewhat deaden things then doctor inserted scope while I was laying back not watching then he showed me on screen what inside bladder looked like – then within about 30 seconds grabbed the end of the stent and pulled it out. I hardly knew it ws happening before he said it was out. Minor feeling. I got dressed, climbed in car and drove to work. No pain all day – never took any pain medication at all. Feel great. There was some minor discomfort while the stent was in and a few times while urinating and I was glad to have it removed just to put everything behind me.


Total time about 20 seconds and they do it while awake , usually at doctors office.


July 14, 2018 at 12:39 pm
Total time about 20 seconds and they do it while awake , usually at doctors office.

sandy mullinnix



Oh my went in blindly to have stent put in today. Was not told it needed to be removed by a certain date. Only that it cant stay in forever. My pain is terrible I feel like I. In back labor hurts to stand, lay down etc. Only relief I get is when I sit on the toilet.

Alesia A Nelson

I really need to hear something positive about having the scope surgery to have stones removed, and the Stent in place after surgery for three to five days, the doctor said that the actual procedure will be a breeze , because I will be put under, but the Stent could be a bit painful, irritating, but nothing like what I have been reading on here. The stones I have are making me miserable and need to be removed, because they won’t pass on their own, But I have to tell you I am thinking about putting my procedure off. It sounds like the pain associated with the Stent is unbearable, I need to hear something positive. Is this the norm or are these unique situations?


Hi there. I had a stent put in during a hysterectomy. It remained inside for 2 months. I just had my 7mm stone blasted and stent removed and replaced. The only discomfort was from the UTI I got. I couldn’t find anything positive about stents, so here is my story. Try not to stress, it really isn’t that bad.


I had my stent put in last week and it’s being removed today. After they put the stent in all my pain went away. I’ve had a little pain when I urinate, but nothing nearly as bad as the weeks before I got the Stent.


My stent will be removed in the am. While the last 15 days of my life have been a shit show, the stent was the least of my problems. 7.2mm stone blocked ureter. Urosepsis. 2 surgeries. 2 stents. So many antibiotics. 4 days in the hospital. First stone ever!! Tomorrow’s stent removal will bring an end to this unexpected nightmare. zzz


The stent itself hasn’t caused me pain. Minor discomfort. After stone was removed (Friday) and new stent placed… I notice the stent less. Except this one has a string. I hear having it removed in the office takes 30 seconds and it’s not bad…. but my neighbor says otherwise. I’ll know in the morning.

Jackie Magryta

I am having my 3 Stents removed after two wks…. I had a stone in my right ureter and one in my left kidney… I have been lucky… It was a fluke I even discovered them because I had no pain…. I just got UTIs every year…. The surgery was a breeze… It did burn for an hour or so to pee after but there’s meds for that my doctor gave me that worked… Typically he says he wouldn’t recommend having both removed since my stones were on different sides but I could hardly afford the surgery once let alone twice…. I had pain for maybe 2-3 hours after recovery and then by day 4 I felt normal, never could feel the Stents even in me after day 4… My left kidney has two ureters so in total I had two Stents on that side and one on my right… Never felt a thing on my right side… The left I felt the sensation for a few days since I had two of them on my left but it all went away… Motrin handled what felt like period cramping after for a couple days…. Honestly the worst part was having to pee all the time…. I almost would have chose to have the bad cramps… Bought bladder control meds and its helped…. Don’t stress….i Google and read so many horror stories I was scared like crazy but it was no where near as bad and I’m glad I did both sides at once totally worth it! Little nervous for the Stent removal for tomorrow but I’m going in thinking it’s gona be just like getting a pap smear lol and ready to have this fresh start hopefully being uti free from now on! 🙂 good luck! And don’t put it off… The consequences can be far worse!

sandy mullinnix

Thank you.


My stint isn’t painful at all. I can feel it but it’s not painful and my stint actually goes around my stone (long story).

Maria McC

Hi Alesia,

I had the scope surgery on June 18 to remove a 6mm stone. Your doctor is right, the actual procedure will not be bad. I had my stent removed this morning. I took a norco before my appointment so I would be relaxed. The removal was very fast. I felt pressure as he was inserting the scope and pulling it out but nothing like what I was expecting. I left the office and went to work. I feel so much better now that it has been removed.

Find a doctor that you like and trust. I understand wanting to put the procedure off, but you can’t ignore the stone. You will feel relief from the pain and misery.

Take good care of yourself. You will make it through this.

Michigan Maria 🙂


I just had a cystoscopy procedure. No discomfort since I was put to sleep. Thereafter it hurt to urinate but not unbearable. The Dr put a stent in each side – one I was to remove by pulling the string and one that was to be removed by the Dr. a few days later in his office. When I pulled the string, to my surprise, both stents came out at the same time.

I have had blood in my urine but part of that is to be expected since I also take Xarelto (blood thinner) for aFib. On a pain scale of 1-10 I would rate the whole experience at about a 4. Far less than trying to pass the 5 mm stone I had in my left ureter. Good luck with your procedure. Trust your Dr and you’ll be fine


Hi. I have a stent because my 8mm kidney stink couldn’t be removed. I have to return in 4-6 weeks For the surgeon to once again try the removal of the stone. I do not think I can bear this
Pain and discomfort for that amount of time.. my question is.. is there an alternative to remove the whole kidney stone. The surgeon doesn’t recommend blasting it


I’m 18 & Ive had a kidney stone for 2 months (4.5 mm). I was prescribed flomax to hopefully pass the stone within a couple weeks but it wasn’t budging. I got scheduled for surgery to remove it, and after the surgery they put a stent in with a long string taped to my leg. It was super uncomfortable at first, and peeing was even worse. Burning and tingling pain while i peed along with blood. I got irritated trying to wipe because it would snag the string a little and cause discomfort. I’m scheduled to get the stent removed in 2 days, so I’m hoping things get better.


From Pakistan working in army, i have 7mm stone in ureter removed by URS, at 19 Mar 2018. Doctor said he placed a stent and will be removed after 2 months, i am clerk, but i have slight pain and our unit is deployed farther than hospital. I have pain in kidney, what to do please?


Asif, I have one right now and you could take a pill over the counter called AZO. Its usually at every pharmacy. And it’s typically used for pain for Bladder infections. Other than that, ib profen, tylenol, typically works if you were not prescribed pain meds. And I feel your pain! It sucks!! Good luck!


Today removed d j stent, thanks for suggestions

The Rodentman

Just had stent removed this morning. No lidocaine, Dr said I’d feel cold and wet sensation. I twinge when the scope passed the prostate, but it was out about a minute later with very little pain, more like just discomfort. No side effects. It was not a big ordeal for me. Try listening to Urethra Franklin music when you get home for a sense of well being.


Has anyone had problems not being able to hold it to go to the bathroom for very long & if you don’t get to the bathroom it just goes? I had this problem now after my 2nd stint removal. Yes! I am doing kegels but urine still wants to flow. 😢


Yes I have trouble holding my urine so my sister said get pads I did but that slipped from one side of underwear so after 66 years I have worn depends and I’m thankful for them.


My stent removal is scheduled in 13 days. Praying no more depends

Toni Ritenour

I want to share my story as well.
I had severe back pain and then blood in urine… I’m very pain tolerant but knew from my son’s experience that it was a kidney stone. I was able to make it to the urologist for CT scan and a 7mm was blocking my tube at kidney entrance plus bonus 6mm, 5mm and 3mm stones were awaiting ejection. Sent home with pain meds and flomax and appointment for cystiscope/laser search and destroy mission. Minimal pain, although everyone kept asking me if it was a 7-8 outta 10 and I kept saying…..3? Admitted at 9am and by 2pm I was drinking my coffee and scarfing graham crackers. sent me home with stent and little curly strings attached…. walked my dog later that evening. Lots of blood in urine but again very little pain. Second day, tried to relax/chill but I’m not very good at that… so again too much walking and still had lots of blood in urine, second night took a toridol to sleep. Third day = back to work. took a toridol at work for say…. 5ish pain and it vanished. From then on, it was better each day and by 5th day back at my usual woodworking repair stuff…. I never had severe pain and had very little pain while urinating. Only took pain meds maybe 4 times. On day 6, very little tint of blood in urine and don’t feel anything. Wednesday I go for stent removal. I was going to do it myself but since I’ve had little pain, decided not to blow it and play it safe… Just wanted y’all to know that sometimes, it’s not a big deal!!


32 years old… last week went to er with extremely bad pain from a 4mm kidney stone. Got surgery and woke up feeling awesome but was told they could not remove it. Placed stent and supposed to go on the 18th of this month to have it removed. I do not have any pain at all except the discomfort of the stent and needing to pee every 10-20 mins. Dr said he would try again and if that was not successful then would have to go through kidney. I currently do not have insurance till the 1st of July. I might of passed that damn stone for all I know already. I’m simply going for him to take this dang stent off then if I ever get that pain again( hopefully not) and have insurance already will go so they can do what they have to do. I’ve heard of people that say they have had stones stuck in a certain place and never bothered them again. I can’t work with this continuous peeing and discomfort.. I’m not ready for that other surgery as long as it doesn’t bother me I’ll be fine.


Hey guys just an update: so I’m at doctors office about to be called In any moment now for the stent removal. I’m anxious to get this thing removed but also Nervous. I know I’m going to feel something obviously, but just hope it doesn’t hurt too much. I’ll let u guys know how it goes.


How did it go? Mine comes out tomorrow, hopefully. Nervous


Hello, so doctor didn’t want to remove it that day. He wanted to do another surgery and i asked for a second opinion and he got bothered. He didn’t want to see me anymore and so I knew no other dr would want to see me. This past Thursday I got a major urine infection because of stent. Came to a different hospital. I told them everything that had happened and they finally got me a new doctor who would take my case. Dr tried to remove my stent and it had gotten encrusted in my body. It was the worse pain I had ever felt in my whole entire life. It was the definition of hell. He said it had to be done with anesthesia, so yesterday he removed it.. removed me the stone but had to place another stent. This stent will be removed on Tuesday July 10th. Still nervous but I know the reason why the other hurt was because of it being encrusted in my body.

sandy mullinnix

First Doc was an _ _ _.


Yes he was, because of him I went through more than I should have. Anyway, since I have been posting I’ll say how my stent removal went for you all who have been reading my posts. So, I think dr had just opened that office in my specific city and as I’m sitting down waiting for him to open the door I’m super nervous. He walks in with the 3 ladies and asks is it ok if they are there so they can see and learn how a stent is removed. I say it’s ok because at this Point I just want to get this over with. I start getting more nervous when he is removing the tape from my penis because I know the pull is coming. Meanwhile I have a room full or ladies staring at me so makes it a bit worse. As he pulls I feel a very light tingly sensation which I believe was the string… as the stent gets close to my penis I start feeling like a wiggly worm coming out and it doesn’t really hurt but it does feel weird. After that, it’s all over finally. Not as bad as I thought. It’s just worse before when you are expecting it but it’s nothing major at all.


This site has been helpful. I’m going in tomorrow morning at 6:30 am for a stint and removal of a 6mm stone in my left kidney.
The doctors have had me on Flowmax for sometime hoping I would pass the stone (no luck).
I had the initial kidney stone attack about a month ago which landed me in the ER. And I can identify with everyone who said the pain was unbearable. I’m 58 years old and have broken plenty of bones and have gotten injuries in the past that don’t even come close to those attacks. Let’s see how tomorrow goes. Good luck to the rest of you.


I had the procedure done. The Doctor said the 6mm stone was gone. I did have a kidney stone attack while lying in the hospital bed before the surgery. The doctor said I most likely passed the stone when I urinated this morning. They did find a polyp and removed it for biopsy. They also put in the temporary stint. 11 hours later and I am feeling pretty good. Side affects are an urge to urinate often. When I do urinate, the pain is moderate (6 out of 10 scale). Also when I urinate, I feel pain in my kidney, ureter, and bladder while peeing but subside when I am finished. It is nice that I don’t have anymore back kidney pain. Good luck to the rest of you!



David G.

7mm stone Apr. 20, 2018. Stent placed on left side for 4 weeks. No string to pull so had to go have removal at Dr.s office. Very uncomfortable going in but oh holy hell what have I gotten in to when they start to pull stent out 2 Weeks earlier had lipothrrpisy to bust up stone, no problem. At stent removal doc said stent had become encrusted with remenant stone debris and could not remove stent. Doc said must push stent back into kidney or have continuous dribble until stent could be removed. I now owe the staff and half the county for the profanity that came form me trying to place stent back into kidney. Finally given an adult diaper to were to hospital. 8 hrs later surgically removed. Feeling better but now have a self removal type scheduled to come out tomorrow. Self removal stent placed to help with irritation of first stent removal. Any way long story short. Doctor says you may feel discomfort translates to WTH this pain is off the chart.

Richard Raj

Hi Richard here I underwent surgery two weeks back for my kidney stones on the right side, doctor inserted stent however I feel painful during urination but thank God it subsidies pain, after four weeks doctor said stent will be removed, I hope will be fine after that to lead normal life, praise the lord. Richard


This site is fantastic and I’ve stumbled on it at just the right time.
Had a 7mm stone blasted and a stent inserted 5hrs ago and right up till I went for a pee, I felt absolutely fine. Peeing, though, feels like someone is shooting hot sauce up my urethra every single time I either urge or actually urninate. Ridiculous pain, but nothing like the 14/10 I had for 4 days this week. Two trips to the ER, a total of 36hrs there in total. Modified the pain with toradol, morphine and Tylenol. Haven’t needed any pain meds for a day and a half, but I’m taking them now – anything to make urination even slightly less-sore. Thanks for the great resource!


Try sitting down when you pee it really helped me


I found that sticking the tip of your manrod into hot water made it feel better for me when pissing with my jj stent

sandy mullinnix

OMG so funny. Am having stents placed this Friday the 13th. I am so DREADING it.


bluf: removing stent itself was no big deal. 1 on pain scale of 10 (10=pass out).
54 y.o. male. 4 previous kidney stones (0.5(?), 1(?), 2, and 3mm) passed naturally but somewhat painfully (7 (gasping) for 2mm, 8 (seeing spots) for 3mm) between aug 16 and jan 18. stone #5 @ 6.5mm lodged in right ureter for two months. attempted laser lithotripsy but ureter diameter had dimished. stent installed and follow-up scheduled in 2 weeks. stent and procedure #1 effects quite painful first day, with significant pain in urethra and feeling of reflux into kidney upon urination, lessening to no pain meds required by 4th day. attempt #2 successful, kidney and tract inspected (for long term effects) and patient-removable stent installed. far less feeling of reflux, some urethra/ureter ache following 2nd procedure but decreased at faster rate. removed stent myself on 7th day – no meds, relaxed like was going to pee and pulled straight with slow, steady motion. could feel it moving through ducts but was not painful.
pain (level 7)) began about 90 minutes later, so took 1x norco. med wore off @ 4 hr point and pain was @ 6. currently waiting for 2nd norco to wear off.
believe current pain is from trauma of 2 attempts in short time, as well as inspection of full tract and kidney. most pain is in ureter.


Just had mine removed. Worst experience ever. Wasn’t uncomfortable. It was horrible.


Thanks a lot. Get my stent removed tomorrow. Hope you were kidding. Can’t wait to get it removed, but nervous.

Rebecca Thompson

I had a uretal stent placed in my left ureter to my kidney six days ago. This was the second surgery as my first surgery removed a lodged/impacted 6 mm stone from my ureter. There was quite a bit of infection where ecoli bacteria occurred due to this lodged stone. A first stent was inserted and remained for a full two weeks. I returned for the second surgery where the first stent was removed and a temporary stent was then inserted. My surgeon was able to collect remaining stones in my left kidney during the second surgery. What was worrisome to me was not the sugery, but the removal of the second stent as I was to do it myself. Once it was completed I wanted to send this comment to assure anyone who needs to do this that it is a very quick and easy process. No need to stress or worry. Follow your surgeon’s directions and your results will be good. I now feel worlds better and want to encourage those facing kidney stone surgery to listen to your urologist, follow all directions and you will be fine.

sandy mullinnix

Rebecca thank you. This site has helped me not to be so apprehensive.


I had a stent placed from the kidney to the bladder and I did not have a string. Two days ago I was put under anesthesia to remove it. Had severe pain in recovery. They gave a shot of tordol and a Percocet. Pain subsided and I went home. No pain but a little discomfort. But on day 2 in the evening started to have pain again. Around an 8 in pain. Took a Percocet and now comfortable. I just don’t understand why I’m having pain now?

Daw Marie

I had a 6 mm stone, had surgery to blast on May 18th,
Back in hospital for pain. Went home after 4 days, now June 4th still bleeding, pain in left and right side, in back. Now pain a 19 in back left side kidney where stone taken out.

I have a stent on my left side right now after a ureteroscopy 5 days ago to break up a 1.4cm stone. I immediately started having severe spasms and ended up in the ER on the 3rd night. They have me a shot of Tordol, a 5mg Percocet and a dose of Pyridine to relax the muscles. Once that all kicked in , I was much better and the pain was only a 3 or 4 out of 10. But that relief was short lived and within a few hours of getting home I was right back to level 10 pain again on and off since. I got a hold of the doc today and he proscribed oxybutinin with the Flomax and Pyridine to see if that will get it under control. I hope so because I’ve don’t get it out until Friday, and it’s only Monday now. And lucky me, I get the same thing done next Friday in my right kidney to get rid of the multiple large stones I’ve got there too. F stents! Ugh!


I have had this stint in my kidney for about 6weeks now the doctor eont see me because I missed my last appointment and have a 25 dollar fine.I don’t have it untill the 1,st of june

sandy mullinnix

My heart goes out to you. I am having similar issues.


This site was super helpful on what this thing looks like and what to expect. I had minimal pain getting it started and then just discomfort until it came all the way out. I was dreading it because of obvious reasons and it was NOWHERE near what I thought it was going to be. I am having a little pain in my kidney right now but the doctor told me that would happen and is normal; hopefully that’s gone by morning!


I currently have a stent on my right side. Last May I had a 8mm stone on the left. Cystoscope and stent for ten days. Every time I tried to do daily activities pain would be debilitating. I did however lose almost 12 pounds thanks to the nausea from the pain. The doc had said at removal not to be surprised if I had some spasms later. Ok, I’m not a wimp and this too shall pass. . The spasms began about 3 hrs later and lasted about 6-7 hours. Holy Smokes- every bit as bad as the pain of the stone only no medicines. Writhing in pain, tears, my dog barking at me because I’ve obviously been demon possessed. So now I have had this one on the right for 6 days. Same thing, unable to regular activities due to pain. Forget going to work – I can’t walk to the end of the block without hunching over and sweating profusely. I get it removed in 2 days and while it can’t come fast enough I am freaking a bit about the spasms afterward.

Paula P Price

The worst experience of my life. I feel for anybody with a stent and having the stone blasted. Gonna be a long 2 weeks!


Holy smokes is it that bad? I am getting on stunt out today from my right side and I was told it would be a relief not this painful now I am kinda iffy about this thanks for your good feedback so the after pain out stunt removal is worse u would say then the sent being removed right?


Hi I share the same ,pain in the left side on three ocassions and now the approx 9mm stone removed by laser, and the stent string hanging out is making me nervous. Having some difficulty in urinating. Hope this will subside


I had a 7mm stone removed via Cystoscopy back in March. I wanted to share my story in and effort to assist anyone else going through the same ordeal. I have been very fortunate to have never needed any type of surgery before and very fortunate to have a pretty high pain tolerance. The stone pain was ridiculous! We all know this but I was not prepared for it, scared me to death as I originally did not know what was going on.
Morphine was of no use in the ER (1st trip in Feb)! Toradol worked perfectly on the 2nd trip. The procedure was in and out and I was home literally in about 4 hours from leaving for the ER. The recovery from the local was terrible! I did not react to it well. The initial attempts to urinate were painful but this subsided over time. I had enough of the pain killers and only took a couple of half doses of Vicodin over the course of the next 5 days. The stent string was quite irritating, just uncomfortable, getting caught on my boxers etc. As long as I didn’t move, no issue. Due to the inability to get an appointment soon, I decided to pull the stent myself. I was pretty nervous but this site guided me and in reality there was no pain or discomfort in doing so – just kinda surreal. As a matter of fact, once I pulled the stent, everything improved immediately! Any burning sensation from the procedure or removal of the stent was gone by the end of the day. I actually took my dog for a walk within a couple of hours. I was told to take Uribel to eliminate ureter spasms – couldn’t stand it as it made me very sleepy! I discontinued after 3 doses but I didn’t have any spasms either. I was told I have more stones in the other kidney, Dr wants to monitor so now I am trying home remedies, to at least keep them from growing and hopefully reduce the size – Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon, HCA and lots of water. Good luck to all of you! BTW – while writhing in pain on the floor, I made promises to god – I have been keeping them : – )

Cynthia Sneed

Try 1 to 1.5 tablespoons of olive oil or canola if can’t stand
olive mixed with lemon juice n a bit of sugar. My foreign urologist
told me to do it (bc people in his country do not have them like the

That was 8 yrs ago-‘have not had another. Oil coats the bladder
n citrus breaks up stones quickly. Good luck!